The Squeaky Workshop

The Squeaky Wheel Media 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization is excited to offer one-of-a-kind workshops for disability-centered student organizations, employee resource groups, and more. In these workshops, participants will learn how humor can be used to combat ableism, and will start to write their very own satire story.  If you are interested in learning more or booking a workshop for your school or organization, please send us an email with your name, your school’s name, and which semester/month you are interested in potentially scheduling a workshop.



Each Squeaky Wheel Virtual Workshop lasts approximately two hours and contains (6) parts. It will be led by two experienced Squeaky Wheel writers. 

1. Disability & Humor 
We talk about how disabled people use humor in their day-to-day lives and how humor can be used to combat ableism. 

2. Introduction to Satire-Writing 
Students learn about popular internet satire publications and discuss various headlines to learn the style. 

3. Headline Writing 
Each student will write their very own satire headline based on their experiences as a disabled person. 

4. Headline Share 
Students can optionally share their headlines with the group. 

5. Story Writing 
Each student will expand their headline into a short, 4-sentence story. 

6. Story Share 
Students can optionally share their finished story drafts with the group. 


“This was one of best workshops I’ve attended on campus”

“I am usually not confident in writing, but I now feel writing satirical headlines is my comfort level”

“I loved the immediate feedback on our ideas… which made this like a collaborative discussion rather than a ‘being talked at’ event. Overall, everything was SOO awesome!”


For our standard virtual workshop (2 hrs, 10–25 participants, 2 session leaders) we suggest a donation of $1,500 USD. All proceeds go directly towards the sustainability of Squeaky Wheel Media and our multiple nonprofit initiatives.

If this cost exceeds your budget, please let us know and we can most likely make adjustments to accommodate your budget needs.


Launched in 2021, The Squeaky Wheel is the first-ever satire publication that focuses on the experience of having a disability. It challenges common misconceptions, highlights absurdity, criticizes imbalances, and does it all with humor

As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, we are dedicated to our missions of giving writing opportunities to disabled people, amplifying disabled voices, and combating ableism by educating the public