
Doctor Asks Man Who Has Been in Coma for 45 Years if He Ever Considered It Might Just Be Anxiety

In an unprecedented medical consultation that has left the community in stitches, Dr. Karen Whisperlite asked Roger Slumber, a patient who has been in a coma since the disco era, if his prolonged unconscious state might merely be a symptom of anxiety. “Have you tried not worrying so much?” she inquired, adjusting her pearl necklace while peering at the unmoving patient.

Slumber, silent for decades, offered no reply, leaving Dr. Whisperlite to jot down notes on the potential benefits of mindfulness meditation for coma recovery. “Anxiety can really take a toll on the body,” she remarked, seemingly unfazed by the lack of patient feedback.

This medical inquiry has shed light on a novel diagnostic approach: attributing long-term unconsciousness to just really needing to chill out. Despite the lack of scientific evidence supporting anxiety as a cause for decades-long comas, Dr. Whisperlite remains optimistic. “Maybe he's just overthinking,” she suggested, pondering the therapeutic potential of scented candles for her patient.

Slumber's finds comfort in the diagnosis. “It's simpler than we thought,” a family member said, chuckling. “Maybe all he needs is a good spa day.”

As the medical community debates Dr. Whisperlite's unconventional hypothesis, the world is left wondering if, next, chronic insomnia will be chalked up to just being too awake. Enthusiasts from around the globe are now advocating for the integration of relaxation techniques into comatose patient care, suggesting everything from lavender oil diffusers in ICU units to playing soothing nature sounds beside hospital beds.

As the world watches, the question remains: Can a mix of ambient , aromatherapy and the power of positive thinking truly awaken those lost in the depths of a coma? Or is the real awakening happening among the living, as they reconsider what it means to heal?

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