
Top 5 Ways to Get Your Disabled Child More Likes on Social Media

#5 Make it patronizingly religious

Sure, all are gifts from heaven, but your disabled child is special because they're a test given to you by God. That's right, your child's purpose in life is to teach others unconditional love just by existing. And why not share this blessing with your followers by giving them the opportunity to show how good and devout they are with minimal effort? It's just like the scriptures say: “1 like = 1 prayer.”

#4 Show your child struggling 

Disability isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and your followers will appreciate authenticity. Your child has to deal with a lot, so what better way to support them than by sharing their vulnerable moments with the world? Your child can be a source of inspiration while making others feel better about their own lives. Plus, people will see what a caring and hardworking parent you are. It's a win-win situation!

#3 Gush about the “normies” that hang out with your kid

Normally, it would be weird to talk about how amazing it is that your child's peers treat them like a human being. But anyone who hangs out with your kid must be extra wonderful because your child is, you know, disabled. Don't think too much about what that implies about your kid. Just know that adults love to hide their own insecurities by praising the tolerance of children, and cash in on that.

#2 Share intimate medical details

Get way too personal with your child's medical information or care routine. People are curious, and there's no such thing as privacy or TMI when you're building your following — oops, we mean spreading awareness! The more sensational, the better. Don't forget to put your child in full view while you talk about them, so people have a face to associate with all that sensitive information.

#1 Use the saddest Sarah McLachlan song you can find

Just make sure the ASPCA hasn't already used it in any of their commercials.

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